Transformers - Generations War for Cybertron Deluxe WFC-S26 Autobot Alphastrike Counterforce 3-Pack - Final Strike (preorder Dec 2025)
FINAL STRIKE FIGURE SERIES COLLECTION: Discover the 2-Part Final Strike Series where 2 strike teams on opposite sides of the War For Cybertron clash in a single mission. Explore both sides through 2 exciting packs: this WFC-S26 3-Pack and the WFC-S27 Decepticon Phantomstrike Squadron (sold separately, subject to availability).
3-FIGURE SPECIAL EDITION PACK: Autobot Alphastrike Counterforce pack includes Slamdance, a G2 deco’d Covert Clone Sideswipe, and a Battle Masters figure. Part 1 of the Final Strike Figure Series.
COMPLETE THE MISSION BATTLE SCENE: Line up this package with WFC-S27 Decepticon Phantomstrike Squadron (sold separately, subject to availability) to complete mission battle scene!
CUSTOMIZABLE WEAPON LOADOUT: Includes 4 weapon accessories that can attach to figures in custom configurations and a Fire Blasts accessory to simulate battle effects!
Build the ultimate battlefield with Siege figures. Siege plunges fans into the epic fight to survive on the final day of the Autobot and Decepticon battle to control Cybertron. Discover 2 strike teams on opposite sides of the war as they clash in a single mission: The Autobot Alphastrike Counterforce versus the Decepticon Phantomstrike Squadron. (WFC-S27 Decepticon Phantomstrike Squadron sold separately, subject to availability).
Skywarp and the Decepticon Phantomstrike Squadron have been attacking key Autobot positions, launching quickstrike surprise attacks. The Autobot Alphastrike Counterforce: Slamdance, a clone of Sideswipe built for covert operations, and Trenchfoot -- must analyze Decepticon attack patterns, anticipate the next target, and counterstrike.
This Autobot Alphastrike Counterforce pack includes 3 figures: Deluxe Slamdance, a G2 deco’d Deluxe Covert Clone Sideswipe, and a Battle Masters figure, Trenchfoot.
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