Mythische Legionen

Mythic Legions - 2025 Retailer Wave - Vernaliss Ardenscale (preorder Q4 2025)
Four HorsemenThe Coatl race of “snake men” made a huge debut with Four Horsemen's Ninian Infantry figure! That...
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Mythic Legions - 2025 Retailer Wave - Figura Obscura Frankenstein's Monster (preorder Q4 2025)
Four HorsemenContinuing Four Horsemen's tradition of winter-holiday-themed Figura Obscura releases, December 202...
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Mythic Legions - 2025 Retailer Wave - Figura Obscura - The Ghost of Christmas Past (Haunted Blue Ver.) (preorder Q4 2025)
Four HorsemenContinuing Four Horsemen's tradition of winter-holiday-themed Figura Obscura releases, December 202...
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Mythic Legions - 2025 Retailer Wave - Figura Obscura - Anubis (Black and Blue Ver.) (preorder Q4 2025)
Four HorsemenPart of Four Horsemen's first Figura Obscura drop of 2024 (where he was paired with Bastet), the “bla...
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Mythic Legions - 2025 Retailer Wave - Figura Obscura - Bastet (Black and Red Ver.) (preorder Q4 2025)
Four HorsemenPart of Four Horsemen's first Figura Obscura drop of 2024 (where she was paired with Anubis), the “blac...
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Mythic Legions - Reign of the Beasts - Leodysseus Ogre-Scale (preorder Q2 2026)
Four HorsemenThe first of the Great Beasts given life by Selyne, Leodysseus the Lion towered above the brave soldiers ...
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Mythic Legions - Reign of the Beasts - Serpenspire Royal Guard Deluxe (preorder Q2 2026)
Four HorsemenMembers of the Coatl, a reptilian race long vanished in Mythoss, the Serpenspire Royal Guard were comprised...
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Mythic Legions - Reign of the Beasts - Mwindajii the Cackler (preorder Q2 2026)
Four HorsemenNot all of the soldiers who fought for Arethyr in the First Great War were created by the jealous god, Helyos...
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Mythic Legions - Reign of the Beasts - The Golden Pride of Leandor (preorder Q2 2026)
Four HorsemenThe soldiers who fought beside the mighty lion, Leodysseus, in the First Great War of Mythoss would go on to be...
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Mythic Legions - Reign of the Beasts - Jhennem Brute-Scale (preorder Q2 2026)
Four HorsemenFiends normally tethered to the Infernal Plane, Ifrits often act as cruel jailers to those unfortunate souls who ...
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Mythic Legions - Reign of the Beasts - Bassylia Deluxe (preorder Q2 2026)
Four HorsemenThe third of the Great Beasts to be called forth by Selyne, the winged serpent Bassylia was granted the ability to ac...
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Mythic Legions - Reign of the Beasts - Arraya the Talon Bearer Deluxe (preorder Q2 2026)
Four HorsemenActive during the First Age of Mythoss, the Order of the 5 Pillars was a cult whose beliefs were considered deeply here...
Vollständige Details anzeigenFIGURA OBSCURA - The Ghost of Christmas Past
Four Horsemen5.0 / 5.0
2 Bewertungen
As the clock tolled one, the first of the three spirits who Jacob Marley warned would visit Ebenezer Scrooge made their appearance in the miser’s d...
Vollständige Details anzeigenMythic Legions - Graveyard Skeletons 4-pack (preorder Q2 2025)
Four HorsemenThe GRAVEYARD SKELETONS 4-pack set includes 4 fully posableskeleton figures 2 swords, 2 spears, 2 shields, 2 skeletonm...
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Mythic Legions - Ashes of Agbendor - The Malignancy of Gobhollow (preorder Q2 2025)
Four HorsemenOne of the most enduring stories of the First Great War is the sacrifice of the Blue Shield and their defeat of the gob...
Vollständige Details anzeigenMythic Legions - Ashes of Agbendor - Shadow Centaur (preorder Q2 2025)
Four HorsemenWhile Centaurs are somewhat common amongst the species of Mythoss, their shadow cousins have long been nothing more than ...
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Mythic Legions - Ashes of Agbendor - Frost Ogre (Ogre-scale) (preorder Q2 2025)
Four HorsemenSavage brutes who dwell in the harsh colds on the borders of the White Spine, Frost Ogres are often enlisted by Illythia’s ...
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Mythic Legions - Ashes of Agbendor - Blue Shield Soldier (Deluxe Knight Builder Kit 3) (preorder Q2 2025)
Four HorsemenThere are few stories from the First Great War as heroic, or as tragic, as that of the Blue Shield. Sworn to Leodysseus, the ...
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Mythic Legions - Ashes of Agbendor - Iosef of the Golden Spear Deluxe (preorder Q2 2025)
Four HorsemenA hero from the First Age of Mythoss, Iosef of the Golden Spear led a battalion of angelic warriors from the celestial city of ...
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Mythic Legions - Ashes of Agbendor - Gold Skeleton 2 Deluxe (preorder Q2 2025)
Four HorsemenCasualties of the First Great War, these defeated angelic warriors of Cirrus were cut down by Maxillius the Harvester and then re...
Vollständige Details anzeigenMythic Legions - Ashes of Agbendor - K'ai Pacha (preorder Q2 2025)
Four HorsemenA Jaguallian thief who has had more than one stay in the cells of Castle Silverhorn, K’ai Pacha proved to be an unlikely hero in th...
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Mythic Legions - Ashes of Agbendor - Azza Spiritbender 2 (preorder Q2 2025)
Four HorsemenOne of the oldest living warriors in Mythoss, Azza SpirItbender’s past was revealed during Poxxus’ attack on the Tower of Bassylia. T...
Vollständige Details anzeigenMythic Legions - Ashes of Agbendor - Xue (preorder Q2 2025)
Four HorsemenA member of The Learned, Xue was once a master at the Great Library of Agbendor. When the Circle of Poxxus attacked the Tower of Bassyl...
Vollständige Details anzeigenFIGURA OBSCURA: Frankenstein's Creature
Four HorsemenThis 1:12 (approx 7"), highly articulated deluxe action figure will come in a 4-color window box package with removable background display cover, a...
Vollständige Details anzeigenFigura Obscura - Anubis and Bastet - Gods of Ancient Egypt
Four Horsemen5.0 / 5.0
1 Überprüfung
While we have introduced an incredible amount of variety into Figura Obscura with our first 6 releases, we had yet to add a female character to the...
Vollständige Details anzeigenMythische Legionen – Demistros (Standardversion)
Four Horsemen5.0 / 5.0
1 Überprüfung
Ursprünglich als Showfigur für Power-con 2023 veröffentlicht, ist dies die „Standardversion“ des Demistros-Charakters! Dies kommt in einer normale...
Vollständige Details anzeigenMythische Legionen – Vorgus Vermillius 2 (Standardversion)
Four HorsemenUrsprünglich als Showfigur für Legionscon 2023 veröffentlicht, ist dies die „Standardversion“ des Vorgus 2-Charakters! Dies kommt in einer normalen...
Vollständige Details anzeigenMythische Legionen – Gold Knight Legion Builder 2 – Verstärkungen 2
Four Horsemen5.0 / 5.0
1 Überprüfung
Die Goldritter der Armee von Leodysseus sind als Wächter der Festung des Gildenlöwen stationiert. Ihre Reihen bestehen sowohl aus den jüngsten als ...
Vollständige Details anzeigenFigura Obscura: Sun Wukong der Affenkönig, Golden Sage (Vorbestellung Q4)
Four HorsemenEine der großen Figura Obscura-Überraschungen des Jahres 2023 war unsere Halloween-Veröffentlichung von The Masque of the Red Death aus der gleichn...
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Figura Obscura: Die Maske des roten Todes, schwarze Roben (Vorbestellung Q4)
Four HorsemenEine der großen Figura Obscura-Überraschungen des Jahres 2023 war unsere Halloween-Veröffentlichung von The Masque of the Red Death aus der gleichn...
Vollständige Details anzeigenFigura Obscura: Der Geist von Jacob Marley, Haunted Blue (Vorbestellung Q4)
Four Horsemen5.0 / 5.0
1 Überprüfung
In Fortsetzung unserer Tradition der Veröffentlichungen von Figura Obscura zum Thema Winterurlaub haben wir im Dezember 2023 das vorgestellt Spektr...
Vollständige Details anzeigenMythic Legions: The Undead of Vikenfell (Vorbestellung Q4)
Four Horsemen5.0 / 5.0
1 Überprüfung
Die untoten Armeen von Necronominus wachsen erneut mit dieser brandneuen Mythic Legions-Figur – der Untote von Vikenfell! Diese Figur wird mit insg...
Vollständige Details anzeigenMythic Legions – Rising Sons Zwergenkopf – Exklusiv (Vorbestellung)
Four HorsemenAufgrund der begrenzten Verfügbarkeit ist dieser Zwergenkopf ein Muss für Liebhaber, die die feineren Details schätzen und Exklusivität in ihrer M...
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Mythic Legions – Rising Sons Attlus the Conqueror 2 (Vorbestellung Q3 2024)
Four HorsemenAttlus Leossyr, einst der rechtmäßige Thronfolger von Leandorr, ist seit Jahrzehnten aus dem König...
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Mythic Legions – Rising Sons Barbarian Weapons Pack (Vorbestellung Q3 2024)
Four HorsemenDieses Set enthält eine Reihe von Waffen, die sich perfekt zur Bewaffnung Ihrer Barbarentruppen (oder ...
Vollständige Details anzeigenMythic Legions – Rising Sons Bodvar Deluxe Beast (Vorbestellung Q3 2024)
Four HorsemenIn den Tagen, bevor das Haus des Edlen Bären von der Kälte Björngars in Richtung des unvermeidlichen Krieg...
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