Joy Toy - Warhammer 40K - Sons of Horus - Leviathan Dreadnought with Siege Drill and Siege Claw
Joy Toy brings the Sons of Horus to life with this Warhammer 1/18 scale action figure! Renouncing the Emperor and their oaths, the Sons of Horus have been transformed into a bludgeoning iron fist in their Primarch's quest for domination and power. Fanatic to their cause, these traitor Brothers spread their corruption and heresy across the Imperium as they bleed the loyalist Space Marine legions dry. They will stop at nothing to see their Primarch strike down the false Emperor and gain his throne as the ruler of Mankind.
Loyalist Space Marines may think they are safe hidden in their fortresses and command bunkers, praising a false god. Once the Siege Drills start spinning however, there will be no hiding from the vicious truth of the real Emperor.