I love the T-rex/BW megatron design, and I love the colour purple, so its automatically a fantastic toy from the start, but a few issues I have knock it down from being perfect. Hips in robot mode are far too loose for a leader class figure. The backpack of flaps is too much. The Masterpiece and even original BW figures did not have this backpack issue. But on top of that...its kind of fiddly to transform. The backpack unfolds to be part of the dinosaur's chest but it doesnt ever feel secure, and often pops open. Pulling out the hips from the robot mode and splitting them for T-Rex mode requires some force that I'm not super comfortable with. The pegs on the legs don't attach to the back of the TRex very well, even rotating the legs in TRex mode seems to unpeg them.
In robot mode, I love looking at the figure. In TRex mode I love looking at the figure. In between? Ehhh, it could use some work.