Warhammer 40K Black Legion Brother Gornoth Chaos Terminator
The weapons combinations available to Chaos Terminators combined with their fearsome armour make them terrifying opponents to fight against. While not the swiftest of troops, they can use a Land Raider to travel across the battlefield to positions which their weaponry will make the best impact. Otherwise they can teleport through the use of arcane technology or sorcerous powers. Often they appear ready to strike, giving their foes little chance to react.
Chaos Terminators stand in high respect to the Chaos gods. Many of them are Aspiring Champions although often the only way to acquire terminator armour is to kill the previous owner. They usually form the bodyguard of the highest ranking leader or Champion and are often seen enforcing the will of the Champion. Often they abuse their position, intimidating other members of the warband, while many simply see them as a vision to strive towards, one day assuming the mantle of Terminator themselve